I am beyond frustrated in the area of Randy's feeding. Let me preface my complaining (I mean concerns) with the fact that he is getting a decent amount of calories and he is growing and gaining weight. Right now he is 31 inches long and weighs 22 lbs. This puts him in the 1oth percentile for length, but still not on the chart for weight (he's getting awfully close though). Randy needs about 1,000 calories per day. He usually hits this mark through a little planning on my part. He gets two bowls of baby oatmeal that I calorie pack with his formula and prunes; this is 300 calories. He drinks 10-15 ounces of formula per day which is 300-400 calories. He eats one container of YoSoy yogurt which is 100 calories. That only leaves about 200-300 calories left which he gets in the form of baby food, crackers, dry cheerios, chicken nugget, or a sample of some pureed table food I may be able to coerce him into eating.
So what's the problem? Well my son is 20 month (OK, 17 months adjusted) and all of those foods look like they belong to a 9-10 month old. His veggies and fruit are 100% baby food. Chicken nuggets are the only meat he will eat (and MAYBE popcorn shrimp). They have to be certain chicken nuggets too; the outside must be crispy. Fortunately he gets some protein through his formula and he looooves the YoSoy yogurt. He could do a commercial. Once I left it in his bag at my mom's when I left him there and he was digging in his bag and found it. My mom said that he picked it up and held it out and started kicking his feet in excitement.
But I digress..... Another thing that bothers me is that his eating is regressing instead of progressing. In early July he had a list of foods that he would eat such as: hot dogs, sausage, green beans, baked beans, black beans, baked fish, avocado, mashed (with a fork) regular and sweet potato, and steamed carrots. Today he will not touch any of those foods.
He is in feeding therapy. He started in April and had it weekly until June. Then he moved to every two weeks, then as needed (about once a month). I noticed that he was slowly dropping foods. It started around the time he started daycare and began that dreaded cold/virus thing that took up residence. His OT attributed it to him being sick and said to just continue to offer foods and use his NUK brush. He started resisting the NUK brush and dropping foods. In late September/early October the OT began seeing him weekly again. She said that he was retracting his tongue again and his oral skills had declined. BTW, did you know that the ability to eat has nothing to do with the number of teeth you have? Randy has almost a full set and does not eat well.
But I digress again.... He has missed three weeks of feeding therapy since his surgery. He goes back to daycare this week and will resume his therapies (he has gained some other skill since being out of therapy but I will save that for another post). I am going to beg her to give me some more techniques. What I am doing is obviously not working. And the worst part is that he seems so depressed when I am feeding him (unless it's yogurt). He puts his thumb in his mouth (he does not suck his thumb), he leans his head to the side, his eyes gets glassy, and he cries. I am usually the only one who gets this behavior because if he is at the sitters or my mom's or with a friend, I try to give them food he loves. I feel like they should not have to deal with that and I don't want to make him more difficult to babysit than he already is. My hubby and daughter usually pick something easy too when they feed him. I am usually the one trying to get him to eat mashed table foods or a thicker puree.
I am at a loss. I need suggestions beyond "he'll eat when he gets hungry". Any ideas?
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