Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Medical Update

June has been quite a busy month.  Randy visited the allergist, neurosurgeon, speech therapist, as well as the ENT that I blogged about in the last post.

Allergist:  More of the same.  His pediatrician switched his nasal spray from Nasonex to Pantanase due to the chronic cough that was accompanying the stuffy and runny nose.  He told me to defer to the allergist to see if she was OK with the switch.  She seemed OK with it, but I think she was a little irritated that I did not come to see her for the switch.  She sent him to Children's to get a blood draw so that she could repeat his allergy screening.  She could not do the skin test because Pantanase is an antihistamine and will interfere with the test results.

Neurosurgeon:  He was very pleased with his progress.  He had him walk and talk and was pretty impressed with how many skills he'd gained in a year.  The MRI showed enlarged ventricles on one side.  The neurosurgeon is not sure if this is his "new norm" or if he is easing his way into a malfunction.  He was not very alarmed since his behavior and function were good, but he did not want to brush it off as nothing.  Randy gets a repeat MRI next month, one week before his ear tubes and adenoid surgery.

Speech Evaluation:  I took Randy to the local children's hospital for a speech evaluation.  He has not been in speech since August 2010 when his therapist at the therapy center went out to have a baby.  Personally, I was not impressed with his speech therapist.  She was nice, but I was not wowed by the sessions.  The therapist at children's was very thorough.  She had him name pictures and point to things.  She had him repeat words.  She stated that he performs much better than one would expect when they look at his history.  This is not the first time I've hear this.  I sometimes minimize the severity of a bi-lateral grade 3 bleed.  She will mail the report once it is scored, but she says that his expressive speech and articulation are not that severely behind.  His major weakness is his receptive speech.  This is not the first time I've heard this either.  She also mentioned his attention.  She says his attention span is shorter than to be expected.  I was a little shocked to hear this.  She said that he will be put on the waiting list (6-9 months).  She suggested that I try a different therapist at the therapy center we go to.

So, when I took him in for OT, I talked to her about the speech eval (they had already gotten the results) and she suggested a person that would be good for Randy.  I was honest with her about the previous therapist.  She was in no way offended and will be getting him set up (she is the case manager there as well).

1 comment:

  1. Short attention span? I'm surprised too, with as many "Yo Gabba" episodes that he can watch in a row! Ha
